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Our Team

Prof. Asa Romeo Asa

Prof. Asa Romeo Asa

Director / Associate Professor:
Namibian – German Institute for Logistics

Prof. Asa is a dedicated executive interested in the dynamics of transformational leadership, strategic management, competitive intelligence, and sustainability for organisational performance and success. He is also an ardent researcher keen to contribute to the university's global ranking, reputation, society, and industry through impactful research and consultancy. His professional background includes serving as the Faculty of Management Science's Founding Associate Dean for Research and Innovation and as Section and Department Head in the Department of Governance and Management Sciences. In addition, it has been evident that his agile and meticulous work ethics, teamwork approach, and ingenious and principle-based management are his formula for professional growth. Finally, his profound understanding of entrepreneurship, project management, and behavioural economics and his passion for learning and expanding the sustainability of the academic and business logistics ecosystem are vital to his leadership drive.
"The only limit to our realisation of tomorrow will be our doubts of today." ~Franklin D. Roosevelt

T: +264 61 207 2209
F: +264 61 207 9209

Sylvester Kaukungua

Sylvester Kaukungua

Project Officer

He has experience working on numerous logistics projects with well-known strategic partners and a thorough understanding of the Namibian and global logistics and transport sectors. He has an extensive and clear understanding of corporate and strategy in projects and training in the logistics environment. A football fanatic and father of 2, Sylvester is a seasoned veteran in the higher education arena with over 15 years in the field. Through all of that, he was able to thoroughly grasp the art of customer service through a variety of interactions with faculty, staff, and students over the years. He always believes in creating a working environment conducive to innovation and growth suited to breed healthy minds.



Lydia Jackie

Lydia Jackie

Research Assistant and Part-Time Lecturer

Lydia is a highly motivated individual with extensive experience in research, logistics, supply chain management, Business management, and education. She holds an Honors Degree in Business Management, a Bachelor's Degree in Logistics and supply chain Management as well as a Diploma in Secondary education.

T: +264 61 207 2818
F: +264 61 207 9818

Meitavelo Walaula

Meitavelo Walaula

Finance Assistant Officer

Meitavelo is a Positive and self-motivated being with a keen interest in accounting, she hold a Degree and Diploma in accounting and finance from the Namibia University of Science and Technology. By pursuing the next level of accounting qualification, she aspires to deepen her knowledge in the field of accounting and finance. She currently assist in the institute’s finance department.



Naheeda van Wyk

Naheeda van Wyk

Marketing Officer

Stay determined and focused. Naheeda van Wyk, a passionate Logistics and Supply Chain graduate from the Namibian University of Science and Technology, currently working as the Marketing Officer at NGIL.
She is on a mission to make her mark in the industry with her excellent drive and enthusiasm. Naheeda worked in Procurement at GIZ as an intern in the year 2022. She is a fast learner and enjoys anything challenging.


T: +264 61 207 2909

F: +264 61 207 9909

Dofilia Sinangui Kaloia

Dofilia Sinangui Kaloia

Research Assistant/ Masters Program Coordinator

Dofilia Sinangui Kaloia, is a passionate and motivated Program coordinator and Liaison Officer at the Namibian German Center for logistics. She is responsible for all the master’s students in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, including administrative and strategic task related to the master’s program management. Prior to commencing this role, she worked as a research and project assistant to the academic director.
Ms. Kaloia has a Masters in Maritime Affairs from the World Maritime University. Honors in Logistics and Bachelor’s degree in logistics and supply chain Management. From March 2017 to August 2017, she participated in a DAAD funded exchange program in Germany Flensburg, where she gained knowledge in business and logistics fields. She enjoys being part of a fruitful and productive team. She is quick to grasp new ideas and easily adaptable to changes. She is always keen to learn new languages, she is fluent in English and Portuguese, with a moderate level of German language skills, while Spanish and French still at an elementary level.



About Namibia University of Science and Technology

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A premier technological university known for knowledge creation, innovation, and entrepreneurship.


An engaged and responsive university, meeting the needs of stakeholders through excellent education, applied research, innovation and service.

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